After achieving the dream of homeownership, community members usually plan to tailor the house to their tastes. You probably want to invest time and energy into repainting walls, selecting new furniture, and may be planning to upgrade the kitchen or bathroom. But knowing the property was inspected before the closing may give you a false sense of security. What first-time homeowners should know about their roof can prove a costly learning experience.
At Davidoff Roofing in London, Ontario, we work diligently with homeowners to ensure they get the maximum life expectancy from their roofs. These are five things first time homeowners need to consider in order to maintain a healthy roof and living space.
1. Check Your Attic for Signs of Roof Problems
It’s important to keep in mind that your roof acts as a first line of defence against water penetration. Anytime moisture accumulates in the attic, it can rot rafters and load-bearing beams. If you haven’t recently looked in the attic, take a flashlight and look around carefully. Check for signs of leaks, water damage, mildew, and hazardous mold growth.
2. Never Put Off Roof Repairs
Following a severe wind event or storm, you may see signs of loose flashing and shingles. It’s critical to take proactive measures and repair seemingly minor damage immediately. The next heavy rain could infiltrate the cracks associated with this roof damage. Once inside your roof, water damage repairs and mold remediation could get expensive. If you see obvious signs of roof damage, call a residential roofing professional.
3. Never DIY Your Roof Inspection
Handy DIY homeowners may have the tools and skills to make wide-reaching repairs and upgrades. But roofing, like other specializations, requires extensive experience and training. The issues a certified roofing professional identifies would likely go unnoticed by someone outside the trade. That is, until a sagging rafter or outdated caulking results in significant damage. A professional roof inspection can be conducted while a crew provides other regularly scheduled services.
4. Clean Your Gutters
Seasonal gutter cleanings are necessary to protect the fascia board, soffits, and structural integrity of the eavestrough system. When leaves, pine needles, and debris accumulate, it results in pooling and overflows. Newly minted homeowners can climb a ladder each fall and spring and scoop the muck from the eavestroughs. Or, you can have a gutter cleaning services provider handle the labour-intensive chore.
5. Invest in Preventative Roof Maintenance
A preventative roof maintenance plan ranks among the most cost-effective ways to prevent water penetration, hazardous mold growths, and ensure the integrity of your home. A trained and certified roofing technician conducts a routine inspection to identify items that require immediate attention. Minor repairs and maintenance are then performed to extend the life expectancy of your family’s roof.
Choose Davidoff Roofing for Your Roofing Needs
As a certified contractor, Davidoff Roofing delivers quality roof repairs, inspections, maintenance, and replacements backed by extensive warranties. If you are a first-time homeowner and have concerns about your roof, contact Davidoff Roofing in London, Ontario, to schedule a consultation or get an estimate.