Selecting the Right Skylight for Your Space

Skylight letting in natural light into a home.

How to Choose the Right Skylight

Skylights are aptly named because they literally bring natural light from the sky into your home. However, the presence of natural light, with its warmth and brilliance, is only one of the several benefits of having a skylight installed. Aside from lighting up otherwise dark areas of the house, skylights can also transmit heat from the sun and even bring in fresh air just like a conventional window. They might also increase the value of your home. Learn about all the reasons why skylights are more than their name suggests.

Velux Skylights

Velux, a world leader in skylights, produces a variety of durable and aesthetically appealing products designed to be installed directly into your roof. And like your roof, these skylights and sun tunnels remain quiet even against the beating rain or raging wind. Some skylight models open to allow air to circulate, while all help to ensure a healthy, stable indoor climate through the provision of natural light and heat. Davidoff Roofing chooses to specialize in Velux products because of the superior quality.

How Long Does a Skylight Last?  

With proper care, a Velux skylight will last up to 30 years. We recommend that skylights be replaced after 30 years or with the installation of a new roof. There are a couple of reasons for this. For one, skylight technology has improved over the years; there is now less of a need for the use of independent components, assembly frames and fasteners. This means that an updated skylight can be installed during a roofing job with little added time or fuss. Second, roofing construction can be hard on existing skylights. We usually suggest to our customers that they think of changing out their old skylights for new ones as part of a complete roof replacement

Are Skylights out of Style?

We don’t think so! Depending on the architectural style of your home, skylights can add a good deal of aesthetic appeal, illuminating the interior with gorgeous natural light. In fact, skylights are making a comeback, as many people are discovering or rediscovering their beauty.

That said, a common worry about skylights used to be that they are not very efficient. Fortunately, skylight technology has come a long way. Not only are today’s skylights more energy efficient than they ever used to be, but some Velux models come with built-in solar panels, for eco-friendly energy use, and sensors that enable them to close at the first sign of bad weather.

Do Skylights Add Value?

The benefits skylights bring to modern structures can translate into greater saleability. While it is true that some buyers might shy away from skylights, fearing the added upkeep that might come with them, well-placed and properly installed skylights will never decrease the value of your home. In fact, they might even attract buyers willing to pay a premium for the health, heating and aesthetic benefits that skylights bring to a home. Moreover, today’s skylights require little to no maintenance and fuss after installation. And let’s not forget, of course, the non-monetary value well-placed skylights can bring – Much in the way a pool adds to the “enjoyability factor” of a home, skylights bring an added value that it is difficult to put a price on.

Do Skylights Let in Heat?

Yes. Skylights let in heat from the sun, which can be of benefit to homeowners in the form of energy savings, especially with southward-facing skylights in the winter months. If there are times when a homeowner may wish to keep out the heat, aluminum skylight covers are available which will let in light from the sun while reducing heat and glare from UV rays. Alternatively, interior shades will block excessive amounts of heat and glare.

Need Professional Guidance on Installing or Maintaining Your Skylight? Call Davidoff Today  

When it comes to skylight maintenance and installation, we at Davidoff Roofing are your go-to people. Serving London, Ontario and the surrounding area for 40 years, we will meet all of your residential skylight needs. Give us a call today!