10 Common Roofing Problems

Most Common Roof Problems

Disintegrating shingles, warped flashing, signs of animal activity – every roof tells a story as to whether or not it has been properly maintained. Here’s a look at the most common roofing problems:  

1. Broken or Missing Shingles

When shingles have reached the end of their natural lifespan, they begin to deteriorate. They can lose the sealant that adheres them to the roof deck. Years of exposure to the sunlight can also cause them to turn brittle and crumbly. Finally, some shingles may work themselves loose in windstorms or as a result of ice buildup.

If only a few shingles are damaged or missing, then a simple roof repair is in order. However, if the singles are failing because they have exceeded their lifespan, then a roof replacement is the recommended course of action.  

2. Roof Leaks 

Leaks can occur as the result of poor shingles, damaged flashing, a rotting roof deck, or tampering by animals. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to have the problem rectified immediately to prevent damage from occurring to the inside of your attic and home. For example, compromised flashing can invite water to drip down the exterior of a chimney onto the inside of walls on every floor in the house, leading to rot and the buildup of mold.   

3. Roof Moss 

Moss can allow water to circumvent your roof’s protective system by deteriorating and lifting shingles. It is important to have moss cleaned off the roof with a solution that kills it. We recommend spraying a 50-50 chlorine-water solution onto the affected areas. Leave the solution for about 15-20 minutes and then rinse it away with a hose.  

4. Shingle Buckling 

Shingles nearing the end of their lifespan or shingles on a roof with too much moisture in the attic will often start to buckle. If you detect buckling, check to make sure that the problem is not one of moisture buildup. If it is, you might need to install additional roof vents (see below) or ensure that bathroom fans are properly ventilated outside. In any case, buckling shingles need to be replaced, as they can allow your roof and attic to suffer water damage from leakage.

5. Clogged Gutters 

If the gutters on a house are clogged, that means that water will not drain properly from the roof. Undrained water can begin to seep into the eaves or run down the side of the house, leading to problems. 

You can also use your gutters as a measure of the health of your roof. If you find an excess of granule buildup in the eavestroughs as a result of runoff from the shingles, this may be a sign that you need to inspect your roof for wear and tear. 

6. Damaged Flashing 

Poor flashing is one of the most common roof problems. As we mentioned in reason #2, damaged flashing can lead to roof leaks. Over time, the elements can cause flashing to crack (plastic) or heave away from the roof (metal and plastic). Even if your roof is more or less still in good repair, it still may need new flashing around vent pipes, skylights, chimneys, etc. In this case, having a roofing professional install new flashing.  

7. Poor Attic Ventilation 

As suggested in reason #4, poor attic ventilation can lead to problems. Moisture build-up or even excess heat in the summer can severely shorten the lifespan of your shingles. Older houses without an attic vapour barrier should have about 1 vent for every 150 square feet of attic area. Otherwise, 1 vent per 300 square feet of attic area is considered the standard.  

8. Snow & Ice Damage 

Snow and ice buildup can spell trouble for a roof, especially where the shingles were not installed with a proper snow and ice barrier or where the buildup is repeated and excessive. Melting snow and ice can make its way underneath shingles and refreeze, causing the heaving and lifting of roofing materials. Ice and water shields can go some way towards preventing this problem. But it is important to have your roof inspected each spring for the telltale signs of winter damage.  

9. Animals 

Birds, squirrels, mice, raccoons – whatever can make its home on your roof, in your eavestroughs, down your chimney, or in your attic will certainly appreciate your hospitality! However, you might not fancy quite as much having these furry, feathered, or clawed guests taking up residence in your abode. Unfortunately, critters can cause significant damage to shingles, flashings, and other elements of your roof system, which is why it’s a good idea to send them packing.    

10. Improper Installation 

All of the elements of your roof work together as part of a system; it takes only one malfunctioning component to cause problems for the functioning of the whole. As roofing specialists, we see time and again the problems that can be caused even with only one poorly or improperly installed roofing material. This is why we recommend leaving it to the professionals.  

Contact Roofing Professionals to Help with Your Roof Problems 

Davidoff Roofing has been a trusted professional in the field of roof contracting and exterior home renovation in the London, Ontario area for 40 years. We are here to meet all of your roofing needs. Get in touch with our team of professionals today to learn more about our roofing services and book your consultation.