Does Attic Insulation Need to Be Replaced?

professional contractor replacing insulation in an attic

Homeowners often require help knowing when their attic insulation needs to be replaced. The opinions of people who work outside the roofing trades tend to differ. At Davidoff Roofing, we work diligently with Southwestern Ontario homeowners to ensure your attic insulation is up to date and doing its job. Find out the answers to some common questions we get about attic insulation.

Why Is Attic Insulation Important?

If your roofing system is the first line of defence against water penetrations, hail strikes, and high winds, then attic insulation is the second. That’s largely because attic insulation performs an essential function in terms of temperature regulation, impacting a variety of structural elements, as well as the comfortable enjoyment of being at home. These rank among the reasons why attic insulation is vital:

  • Energy Consumption: Homeowners have two good reasons to make sure they have adequate insulation. On one hand, failing insulation results in drafts and air leaks that increase your home’s energy usage, costing you money. On the other hand, homes that are not energy efficient needlessly increase their carbon footprint.
  • Structural Integrity: When heat and humidity build up in your attic, they can have a negative impact on roof rafters and load-bearing beams. Effective attic insulation minimizes the effect of heat and moisture.
  • HVAC Longevity: When heating and cooling systems are forced to work overtime due to inadequate installation, they typically require early replacement. Updating attic insulation in a timely fashion helps maximize the life expectancy of HVAC units.

When attic insulation performs at a high level, it prevents wide-reaching issues that usually end up costing homeowners time and money. That’s why it’s essential to update attic insulation before it deteriorates and stops functioning as your home’s second line of defence.

When Should I Replace My Home’s Attic Insulation?

As a general rule, attic insulation should be inspected every 5 to 10 years. The process can be rolled into a professional roof inspection to ensure your entire weather-defence system is doing its job. Depending on the condition of your attic insulation, homeowners would be well-served to replace it every 10 to 15 years. Early attic insulation may be necessary if it becomes wet or compromised in some other fashion.

What Are Some Signs That My Attic Insulation Needs to Be Replaced?

It may come as something of a surprise, but homeowners can identify some of the telltale signs they need new attic insulation before contacting a contractor. For instance, review your energy consumption usage to see if it has increased during the last few years. If use has been trending in the wrong direction, failing attic insulation could be the problem. These are other telltale signs your insulation needs to be replaced:

  • Occupants suffering from allergy symptoms.
  • You hear heating systems working harder.
  • The walls and ceilings feel cold.
  • The attic insulation got wet from a roof leak.

When attic insulation becomes damp, it can become a breeding ground for hazardous mould growths. If you or your loved ones feel unwell for no apparent reason, consider having the attic inspected.

Contact Davidoff Roofing for Reliable Attic Insulation Services

At Davidoff Roofing, we provide comprehensive roof and attic insulation services that help Southwestern Ontario homeowners make cost-effective decisions. If you’re experiencing signs of failing insulation, or it’s nearing its life expectancy, we provide a wide range of attic insulation services. Contact us today for more information, and let’s get the process started.